Welcome to the Approximate Beta!

What is Approximate?

Approximate is a personal finance simulator designed to help you plan, compare, optimize, and adapt your financial strategies. Whether you're navigating decisions like renting vs. buying, planning for retirement, or exploring other financial scenarios, Approximate provides a comprehensive, user-friendly platform to model and understand the financial impact of your choices.

What does Beta mean for Approximate?

Being in beta means that Approximate is in a phase of active development and user testing. While the core functionalities are starting to be put in place, we're continuously working to refine the user experience, add new features, and ensure the reliability of the financial simulations.

Your Feedback Is Invaluable

As early users of Approximate, your insights and feedback are crucial to our development process. Your experiences, suggestions, and critiques will directly influence the enhancements we make, helping to shape a tool that truly resonates with user needs and preferences.

Make sure to look out for the feedback button in various parts of the workspace to share your thoughts with us. Some forms may still be incomplete or under construction, so letting us know what you're personally missing is especially helpful.

Our long term goals

Our vision for Approximate extends far beyond its current state. We'll make sure that Approximate is a go-to tool supporting a wide range of financial decisions and life stages. From first-time homebuyers to those approaching retirement, we want to empower individuals with the tools and insights needed to make informed financial choices confidently.

Ready to give it a shot?

Start Planning